

We provide services of design office and production in the field of general mechanical engineering, production of equipment for the automation of the production process and in the field of plastic injection for the electrical and mechanical engineering industry.

Ing. Jozef Matušov, PhD.
managing director
+421 908 033 227

Office location
Žilinská cesta 507/78A
013 11 Lietavská Lúčka
49°09'39.6"N 18°43'20.6"E
next to the company Sejong Slovakia

Billing information
DITAX, s.r.o.
Pružina 75, 018 22 Pružina
IČO: 47449705
IČ DPH: SK2023879616
DIČ: 2023879616
IBAN: SK2152000000000016000216

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